Sign-ups , Payments and logistics
- Kindly remember that all students Grades 6 – 11 are required to participate in one Week Without Walls experience as these are considered as school days, not vacation days. All students must sign up by completing the online form that indicates their top three choices for WWW experiences.
- Please read all relevant information about Week Without Walls on the website before completing and submitting the sign up form.
- The online applications will be open between 8:00 AM Monday, December 3 and 3:00 PM Thursday, December 13.

WWW placements
- Each WWW experience has a minimum and maximum number of students based on various factors. If the minimum is not met, Wellspring reserves the right to cancel an experience. If the maximum is met, Wellspring reserves the right to cap the number of students or increase the number to accommodate student interest.
- Students that do not submit a form with preferences will be placed in a local WWW experience that has availability.
- Wellspring will place students into a WWW experience based on various factors including preference and availability and whether trips meet minimum/maximum numbers. Wellspring will try to place all students in their top preference, however students may be placed into their second or third choice based on Wellspring’s discretion.
- Placements will be conducted after sign ups close. Students and families will be notified of student placements when they are ready.
- As possible and based on availability of spaces, there will be a short add-drop period after the initial student lists are shared.
Payments for international experiences:
- Students that have a first choice as an international experience must submit a deposit by the deadline of 3:00 PM Thursday, December 13 in order to be eligible for a place in the experience to allow for booking. Students who sign up but do not submit the deposit will not be allowed to attend the international experience and will be automatically placed into a local experience.
- The required deposits for international experiences are:
- France – $600
- Turkey – $530
- Jordan – $500
- Nepal – $670
- Thailand – $1,300
- DP History Trip – $930
- The deposit is only refundable if the international trip is announced by Wellspring as cancelled due to not enough sign ups. Otherwise, all deposits and installments are non-refundable.
- Tickets will be issued after sign ups close for trips that are running to secure the best prices.
- Second installments are due January 10, 2019.
- Third installments are due February 8, 2019.
- Final payments are due March 12, 2019. If the trip is not paid in full then the student will be unable to travel.
Payments for local experiences:
- These will be collected between January – February.
Payment procedures for WWW:
- Payments should be made by cash, cheque or card to any Bank Audi branch.
- For amounts $400 and above, payments can also be made by cheque or card to Monia Makhoul, CCC Campus.
- For amounts below $400, payments can also be made by cash, cheque or card to Monia Makhoul, CCC Campus.
- Kind reminder that students who require visas for international travel that cannot be purchased or received at the airport are the responsibility and the discretion of parents. If a student intends to travel and does not get a visa, please note that Wellspring will work with the family to place the student in another experience as possible.
We look forward to sharing in this journey together as Wellspring ventures into its first Week Without Walls!