Mission and Guiding Principles
Mission Statement
“Wellspring Learning Community aims to establish an inquiry-based learning environment in which students from diverse backgrounds are given every opportunity to optimize their social, emotional and academic capacities and talents. Our students will become confident, resourceful, creative, caring, responsible global and local citizens prepared to use their education to contribute in meaningful ways towards improving society, both locally and internationally”
يهدف مجتمع ولسبرنغ التّعلّميّ – ولسبرنغ ليرننغ كوميونيتي – إلى تهيئة بيئة تعلّميّة قائمة على البحث والتّحقيق والإستكشاف، تقدّم لتلاميذ من خلفيّات متنوّعة كلّ فرصة لتحقيق قدراتهم الإجتماعيّة والعاطفيّة والأكاديميّة وتنمية مواهبهم. سيكبر طلاّبنا ليصبحوا مواطنين واثقين من أنفسهم، قديرين، خلاّقين، مهتمّين، مسؤولين ومفكّرين، وعلى إستعداد لاستخدام علمهم من أجل المساهمة بفعاليّة لتحسين المجتمع، محلّيّاً ودولياً.

Our Values: PRACIS
Focusing on solutions; having a determined mindset regardless of the challenges or obstacles put forth.
Valuing the rights of every individual and honoring diversity of cultures and perspectives.
Meeting commitments; being transparent in transactions; being reflective in decision-making. Bearing in mind that all actions have a profound effect on natural and man-made environments.
Creativity and Innovation:
Striving to see situations through a plethora of different lenses: exploring the possible and improbable, initiating action to create value and impact.
Practicing fairness and making decisions based not only on individual interest but the interests of the community.
Being empathetic, kind, and service-driven: committed with passion to the betterment of a world which is a common home for all.
Guiding Principles:
- Wellspring Learning Community aims to:
- Establish a collaborative learning community that values and supports all stakeholders.
- Maintain and develop welcoming, safe, vibrant and well-kept learning environments in which students feel cared for.
- Nurture the individual development, emotional intelligence and wellbeing of students.
- Commit to ensure “high quality learning” that is authentic, rigorous and well-articulated and which prepares students for life.
- Deliver an international concept-based curriculum based on inquiry that transcends the classroom to meet individual student learning needs and styles.
- Encourage students to become global citizens who adopt a lifestyle of service and shared responsibility.
- Nurture the students’ drive for metacognition, research, and knowledge transfer.
- Embrace cultural diversity, promote multilingualism and honor commonality.
- Use technology effectively for data-driven informed decision making and accountability,
- Support continuous staff wellbeing, learning and professional development.