Realizing a Dream
Wellspring Learning Community is the realization of a dream shared by a team of dedicated educators who believe that all the children of Lebanon and those coming from abroad deserve to study in a high quality learning environment that opens up a space for developing all their talents and intellectual potential, as well as their capacity for understanding and caring about the world around them. Our dream can only be fully realized through the learning, accomplishments, and future deeds of our students as they journey through life.

What’s in a Name?
Wellspring literally means the source. Historians tell us that one of the leading theories of how Beirut was named is related to the Arabic word for well or a source of water. Indeed the land on which the Wellspring Learning Community Mathaf campus now sits, located “jamb il Mathaf” was once rich in agricultural resources, full of olive and pomegranate groves. In naming the school, we had all this in mind, however our true aim was to capture our belief that children are an infinitely renewable source of ideas, energy and knowledge. We hope that our school will promote children’s natural predisposition to inquire and make sense of their experience in the world around them.